Projects / 56 Hours - NOT IN MY NAME
56 Hours - NOT IN MY NAME, 2015
Durational Performance
(February 18-20, 2015)
Tempe, AZ, ASU Art Museum (live mix collaboration with E.S.P.TV)
Performance, live stream
›› Creator, Performer ››
(Part of the series: Data Humanization Project)
Having read the recently declassified US Senate Torture report summary, I cannot unread it. * I am haunted by the knowledge of what has been and is being done in the name of protecting US citizens – like me. * For 56 hours (the lowest number of hours noted in CIA documents that captives were forcibly deprived of sleep), I will remain awake. During this time, I will perform a series of low level activities that call attention to, and move against the practice of torture; and celebrate those who turned away from the practice at risk to themselves. May this performance serve as a humble counterpose.
The Data Humanization series emerges from the field of data visualization and big data analytics, in which large and complex datasets are presented through visual effects that render them “readable.” In contrast to this trend, each 'data humanization' performance seeks to physically “translate” a single datapoint so that it can be more fully comprehended. Chosen data points are numbers that trouble or baffle the artist, and that she seeks to imprint within her body. She invites audiences to serve as witnesses and aids.